About Me

I am the delivery manager in IT industry with experience of total 20 years. I also have experience in Mechanical industry for about 4 years. So far, around 500+ employees reported to me during my ongoing career. I receive, on an average 50+ mails on a daily basis and at least 2-3 related to leave, resignation and last working day mails. Rest all related to day to day business communication.
I have also seen the misunderstandings due to the in proper information in mails of leaves and resignations. Hence, I thought to help everyone with the formal formats of leave applications, resignation letters and everything that requires proper mail formats. My Father was a Principal in High School and Junior College. He is also guiding me for all school related formal letter formats.
My mission is to share as much information as I can on email formats to educate the students, Parents, employees and everyone who requires it.

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