How to write a Resignation Letter ?

How to write a Resignation Letter, How to write a Resignation mail, How to write a Resignation email

Resignation letter helps you to formally resign respectfully as well as maintain the long term connection with your boss. Sometimes, next Employer asks for the copy of the resignation letter to ensure that you have resigned. Hence it is very important to write a resignation letter in a professional manner.
A resignation letter lets you officially announce your termination at the organization, and also provides important housekeeping information, like your last day and other details about your departure. But how to write a resignation letter ? Continue to read this article to write a Resignation Letter or email which is simple and professional.

Use these real Resignation Letter sample emails by employees

How to write a resignation letter ?

Below two sections will help you in order to understand "How to write a resignation letter".

What is a good subject line for resignation letter or email ?

Subject of resignation letter should be self explanatory. I have received many resignation letters till now in my career. All of these resignation letters were in resignation email format instead of physical or hard copy of the resignation letter. You can use any one of these subjects in your resignation letter or resignation mail.

  1. Subject: Resignation
  2. Subject: My Resignation
  3. Subject: Resignation - [M S Dhoni]
  4. Subject: Mail of Resignation
  5. Subject: Email of Resignation
  6. Subject: Letter of Resignation
  7. Subject:Resigning from [Infosys]

If you have a email address of your organization which you are using for daily communication then you can use any of the above subjects. Resignation number 3 and 7 can be used in case you are submitting a hard copy of the resignation letter.

How to write a resignation letter ?

Writing a resignation letter email does not require any creativity, just state the position you’re resigning from and the effective date. Resignation letter email need not describe the reasons for leaving, you should discuss it with your reporting manager or boss before you are sending the simple resignation letter email. Keeping it simple resignation letter is perfectly fine. Resignation letter also gives you the opportunity to say thanks to the organization. Additionally, you may offer to help find your replacement, or agree to finish certain projects and tasks before your last day in the resignation letter email.

Below are the sections of the letter or email that you can use to draft yours.

Section 1: Describe yourself

Start your letter or email by stating your position (designation), and the organization. This is necessary since the letter or email is your official termination, it’s important to include. Then, follow this information with a simple statement of your resignation.

Section 2: Mention on the positives

Mention about how you’ve grown, what you’ve appreciated most about your time at the organization. Reflect the professional development opportunities, appreciate organization culture, and the support that you received. It is nice for your manager or employer to receive a thank you for the time and resources they have used to support your career growth.

Section 3: Where you are headed next (optional)

This is an optional section and need to mention if you are switching organization to pursue a passion, or going for higher studies. However, you do not want to mention this section if you are leaving the organization for a competitor.

Section 4: Propose to assist in the transition

In this section, mention your willingness to make the transition smoother or easier. It’s impressive if you include specific details regarding how you’ll help in transition.

Section 5: Outline your workload & last day at work (optional)

This is an optional section and briefly review the work you'll be surrendering when you officially leave the organization. This will help your manager to prepare your replacement to pick your work and determine how it will continue to achieve the project goals. List all the projects and tasks you've been in charge of to make the transition even easier. Providing an end date in this section is helpful, since that’s one of the first questions your employer is going to have. You may wanted to have early exit and hence to mention it here will be helpful.

Let's see how a simple yet professional resignation letter format looks like considering above steps.

Dear [Sir/Madam or mention name of your manager],

This is to inform you that I am resigning from my position of [your designation], for [company name], on [date of resignation letter].

I really appreciate the experience and growth opportunities I have gained while working with [company name]. Thank you for all the support.

If I can help in any way to ease the transition, please let me know.

Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation [and let me know if I can get early release by [date]].


[your name]

I hope the above article has answered your question of "how to write a resignation letter ?".

Additionally, you can refer to resignation letter samples here

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