Leave Application For School For One Day

Leave Application For School For One Day

Leave application for school for one day is required when you have decided to take a break from the school for a day. A leave application is basically a formal way of asking for a break from school for one day.

Leave application for school for one day must include reason for leave and it's important to make sure that it is acceptable by your school. A decent reason for leave application request will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons like fever, illness, urgent piece of work or for visiting sick parents etc. The leave application should be short and clear. Generally leave application for school for one day is submitted to Principal.

Leave application for school for one day

Let's look at the simple Leave application for school for one day. You can copy-paste this leave application letter or email and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

Leave application for school student for marriage
To ..
Cc ..

Dear Principal Sir,

I, Priyanka Chopra, am a student in your school of Class-7 Div-A. I need one day leave on account of my boxing practice for upcoming movie Mary Kom on 14-Jan-2013.

I will do my best to catch up and complete my work which will be missed during this leave.

Sir, I would like to request you to grant me a day's leave.

Yours Sincerely,
Priyanka Chopra

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