Application For Sick Leave Email For School, Office & College

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Application For Sick Leave Email For School, Office & College

Application For Sick Leave Email is required when you have decided to take a break from school, office or college due to health issues. Students follow school, college rules to write the formal application for sick leave email or letter to principal. Employees follow Office rules to write the formal application for sick leave email or letter to their boss or manager.

Sick Leave is provided to an employee in case of personal illness or injury. Sometimes, sick leave email application should be supported by a medical certificate issued by a doctor, clinic or hospital as per the policy in your organization. Generally, accumulated sick leaves will not qualify for any kind of encashment.

Explore this page ..
  1. Application for sick leave email format

  2. Application for sick leave email for school
  3. Application for sick leave email for office
  4. Application for sick leave email for college
  5. Short sick leave email for one day
  6. Sick leave message to boss
  7. Sick leave mail during notice period
  8. Sick leave mail when pregnant
  9. Sick leave nz
  10. Sick leave mail subject examples

How to write an application for sick leave email format for School, Office & College?

An application for sick leave email format should include reason for sick leave and it's important to make sure that it is acceptable by your school/college/office. A decent reason for application for sick leave request in a specific format will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons like illness. Do not forget to follow the protocol for sick leaves in your employee handbook.

The application for sick leave email format should consider the following guidelines.

  • Whom to submit application for sick leave email?
    - Submit an application for sick leave email to your reporting Manager (for office) or Principal (for school/college)

  • Use Your Professional Email address
    - An application for sick leave email needs to be sent from your office email address (for office) or the one which is registered with school or college (for school/college).

  • Sick leave mail subject
    - Sick leave mail subject can be in the format like "Application for sick leave - Your name" More examples of sick leave mail subject

  • Use Professional Font
    - Make sure that sick leave email application is written in a font which is easily readable to any of the recipients.

  • Begin with a greeting
    - Always open your sick leave email application with a greeting as it is directed towards your Manager or Principal. Do not skip the greeting and always be respectful.

  • First paragraph - introduce yourself (if required)
    - If you are writing an application for sick leave email to someone you don't have an existing relationship with, such as a headmaster, principal, new manager, tell them who you are.

  • Second paragraph - Set the sick leave context with purpose or reason
    - It’s ok to be direct in writing sick leave application email, get to the point as long as you are polite. Mention the purpose or reason for your sick leave and leave period.

  • Third paragraph - Closing statement
    - Be polite to thank your reader with some polite closing remarks.

  • Include Signature
    - It's important to include your signature with every sick leave email application that you submit. Your signature includes your name and your phone number, so the recipient can see, at a glance, how to contact you.

  • Include attachments (if required)
    - If you need to include any attachments like medical certificate issued by a doctor, don't simply attach it. Make sure to mention them in the body of the sick leave email application format.

  • Final scan with spell check
    - Finally, before you submit an application for sick leave, review and spell check your sick leave application to make sure it’s truly perfect!

Now we know an application for sick leave email format and considering the above guidelines an application for sick leave email for office or school can look like below.

sick leave email,application for sick leave for school,application for sick leave for office,application for sick leave for college,sick leave email for one day

Let's look at the various ready to use or copy-paste samples for an application for sick leave email for school, office or college.

Application for sick leave email for school

Check below sample application for sick leave email format for school which is suitable for students and teachers. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave email and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

application for sick leave format for school
To ..
Cc ..

Dear Sir,

I, Kangana Ranaut, writing this application to inform you or bring to your notice that I am not well today and having a fever with cough and cold since last night. Hence I can not attend the school.

Sir, I would like to request you to grant me one day sick leave.

Yours Obediently,
Kangana Ranaut
Class : VI-B
Roll number : 21

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For more samples on application for sick leave email for school, checkout application for sick leave email for school.

Application for sick leave email for office

Check below sample application for sick leave email format for office which is suitable for employees. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave email and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

application for sick leave email format for office
To ..
Cc ..

Dear Ronaldo Sir,

I am not well since yesterday evening due to fever. So I am writing this sick leave application to inform you that I will not be able to come to the office for at least 2 days.

However, during my sick leave, I have asked Jack to support any queries regarding my tasks.

Sir, please grant me leave for the above mentioned period. I will be available on phone for any urgent topics.

Thanks and Regards,
Linda John
Contact Number : xxxxxxxxxx

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For more samples on application for sick leave email for office, checkout application for sick leave email for office.

Application for sick leave email for college

Check below sample application for sick leave email format for college which is suitable for students and teachers. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave email and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

application for sick leave for college
To ..
Cc ..

Respected Madhuri Madam,

With due respect I would like to state that I couldn't be able to attend my regular college classes as I have been suffering from sickness from past few days. My family doctor has advised me to take some rest. Hence,I couldn't be able to attend my classes till today.

Madam, I would be very thankful to you if you understand my situation and grant me leave for the absence of these days.

Your Obedient,
Alia Bhatt
Class : FYBcom-A
Roll number : 05
Contact Number : xxxxxxxxxx

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For more samples on application for sick leave email for college, checkout application for sick leave email for college.

Short sick leave email for one day

Check below sample application for sick leave email for one day which is suitable for employees, students and teachers. You can copy-paste this sick leave email and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

Sick leave email for one day
To ..
Cc ..

Dear Sir,

I am writing this sick leave application to inform you that I am not well today and having pain in stomach. So I’m unable to attend my class/office for one day, I shall be obliged to you.

Sir, I would like to request you to grant me one day sick leave.
Thanks You.

Yours Sincerely,
Yami Gautam
Contact Number : xxxxxxxxxx

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For more samples on application for sick leave email, checkout application for sick leave for fever.

Sick leave message to boss

Check below sick leave message to boss samples which is suitable for employees. You can copy-paste these sick leave message to boss.

  • Sick leave message to boss due to fever
    - "Dear Sir, I am suffering from fever and will not be able to come to office today. Please grant me a sick leave for one day."

  • Sick leave message to boss due to sickness
    - "Hi Sir, I am not feeling well and having a weakness in the body. Hence I will not come to office today. Please consider my sick leave for today."

  • Sick leave message to boss due to stomach ache
    - "Good morning Sir, I am suffering from unbearable stomach pain and will not be possible to work in such condition. So I am taking a sick leave today."

  • Sick leave message to boss due to throat infection
    - "Sir, I am having a weakness due to throat infection. Hence I will be taking a rest today. Please grant me a sick leave for today."

  • Sick leave message to boss due to back pain
    - "Hi Sir, I am having a severe back pain. I won’t be able to come to office today. Kindly consider my sick leave. Thanks."

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For more samples on farewell message to boss, checkout Farewell message to your friend, colleague and boss.

Sick leave mail during notice period

You can take sick leave mail during the notice period, provided it is for a genuine health issue reasons like fever, stomach pain, back pain etc.

Any sick leave days that you are availing during your notice period will extend your notice period by that many number of days. This depends on your manager, however as per law it should not extend.

Check below sample application for sick leave mail during notice period for resigned employees. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave mail and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

Sick leave during notice period, Sick leave mail during notice period, sick leave mail
To ..
Cc ..

Hi Sir,

I would not be able to join the office today because I am down with fever.

Sir, I would like to request you to grant me one day sick leave.

I am available on phone for any urgent topics.

With Regards,
Ranveer Kapoor
Contact Number : xxxxxxxxxx

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For more samples on last working day mail, checkout Last working day mail.

Sick leave mail when pregnant

Check below sample application for sick leave mail when pregnant which is suitable for female employees. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave mail and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

application for sick leave mail when pregnant, sick leave mail
To ..
Cc ..

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant and having an Doctor's appointment tomorrow for related check up. So I am not come to office tomorrow.

Sir, I would like to request you to grant me one day sick leave.

Yours Sincerely,
Neha Dhupia

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For more samples on leave application for maternity, checkout leave application for maternity.

Sick leave nz

Check below sample application for sick leave nz which is suitable for students and teachers. You can copy-paste this application for sick leave and ensure that you are replacing colored text with your respective details. Just move your mouse over colored text to know more about the kind of text to replace.

application for sick leave
To ..
Cc ..

Dear Sir,

I am writing this application to let you know that I can not come to the office today. I have been feeling sick since last night.

Sir, kindly approve one day sick leave.

Thank you for understanding,
Colin Munro
Contact Number : xxxxxxxxxx

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For more samples on leave application format, checkout Leave Application Writing Format.

Sick leave mail subject examples

Below are the Sick leave mail subject examples which can be used for sick leave mail applications.

  • "Application for sick leave - Your Name"

  • "Sick leave for one day"

  • "Request for sick leave"

  • "Application for 2 days sick leave"

  • "Request for Sick Leave - Your Name"

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